Private Equity fund

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Empowering professional investors with secure, personalized access to manage their investments and stay informed. Explore your tailored dashboard and make informed decisions with ease.
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We assist you in optimizing your opportunities.

Ready to elevate your investment journey? Join Westerman Capital today and gain access to exclusive opportunities tailored for professional investors. With our secure platform and expert guidance, you can confidently navigate the world of an private equity fund. Start maximizing your investment potential with Westerman Capital.

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Join us and apply for a partnership. We will than review and approve your status.


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Once approved, you can become a partner at Westerman Capital


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and benefit from our many years of experience

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Optimizing Your Opportunities


Benefit from our extensive experience and expertise in private equity specifically for professional investors.


Access cutting-edge tools & technology to stay ahead of market trends & make informed investments.


Rest assured knowing that our services comply with all relevant legislation, ensuring security.

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Discover exclusive investment opportunities and become a key player in driving long-term success. Start your journey with Westerman Capital today!

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Benefit from our experience.

"Empowering Growth, Shaping Futures."

Create Lasting Value

With Westerman Capital as your partner

Why CHoose Us

Our Financial Business Value & Invesments Benefits

Secure Digital Information Data

We handle your data securely and protect you.

Many Years Of Experience

Benefit from our many years of experience

24/7 available

Our support team is available for you on all days.

Secure Investments & Consistency Grow

We make sure that your investments are always made at the best decisions.

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Don't Choose Wrong


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

What is Westerman.Capital?

Westerman.Capital is a private equity fund focused on partnering with businesses poised for significant growth. We work with professional investors and provide the capital, strategic insight, and operational expertise needed to unlock the full potential of our portfolio companies.

Who can invest with Westerman.Capital?

Westerman.Capital is tailored exclusively for professional investors. Before gaining access, investors must complete our Investor Suitability Questionnaire to ensure they meet the necessary criteria. Once approved, they can participate in our investment opportunities.

How do I access my personalized dashboard?

Once your investor profile has been approved and verified, you will receive login credentials to access your personalized dashboard on our platform. The dashboard provides real-time updates, investment insights, and portfolio performance tailored to your preferences.

What sets Westerman.Capital apart from others?

We place a strong emphasis on partnership and long-term success. We don’t just provide capital; we bring strategic expertise and operational support to the table.

How do I complete the Professional Investor Consent

Once you’ve completed the Investor Suitability Questionnaire, you will be directed to fill out the Professional Investor Consent Form. This can be completed online through our secure platform, where you’ll also receive guidance on any additional documentation required.

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250 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10177

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( + 1 ) 212 347 8405

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Are you an experienced investor?

To ensure compliance with applicable financial regulations and to uphold our commitment to responsible investment practices, we ask investors visiting our website to confirm their level of experience. By identifying whether visitors are experienced investors, we can tailor our information accordingly, ensuring that content provided aligns with the level of investment knowledge and risk awareness required to engage with our offerings. This process also safeguards both the investor and our company by adhering to guidelines on financial communications and protecting investors from potential risks associated with complex investments.

Please confirm below if you are an experienced investor.


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I would like to subscribe ‘Limited Partnership Interests’ or ‘Units’ (as defined in the Subscription Agreement) of Westerman Capital LP
I would like to subscribe ‘Limited Partnership Interests’ or ‘Units’ (as defined in the Subscription Agreement) of Westerman Capital LP
Procedure to purchase securities

Payment Details

Thank you for your investment, please transfer the following amount to the account below:
Bank City National Bank, New York, NY
Bank Address 400 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022
Account Name Westerman Capital LP
Address 250 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, NY 10177
Account 94004441
Routing # 026013958

To ensure timely delivery of funds, please ask your sender to use the below instructions to send an international wire via the SWIFT system and use the following intermediary bank as reference, if possible:

Cititbank N.A., London, U.K. – SWIFT Code: CITIGB2L